Top Ten Lists
Trier, Kreisfreie Stadt, Innovation

Top Ten Innovation Companies in Trier, Kreisfreie Stadt

The webAI InnoProb agent was trained by ISTARI.AI to derive the status of companies as innovators from their websites and to map it as an individual Innovation Probability Score (InnoProb). This indicator between 0.0 and 1.0 reflects the probability of a company being an innovator.

ISTARI webAI has found 1345 companies related to Innovation, out of 1643 in Trier, Kreisfreie Stadt region. In the region the avarage Innovation score is 0.29 and ranges between 0.052 - 0.871. These are the regions top 10 most high-scored companies regarding Innovation.

Start Up
Trier, Kreisfreie Stadt
Score: 0.871

One of the leading manufacturers of electronic and electromechanical components, printed circuit boards and PCB-based intelligent power & control systems
Trier, Kreisfreie Stadt
Score: 0.852

BeST Berliner Sensortechnik GmbH entwickelt Sensorsysteme für IoT, Healthcare, Mobilität, Industrie 4.0. BeST Sensorlösungen messen Kraft, Druck, Distanz, Magnetstärke, Licht, und Erschütterungen.
Trier, Kreisfreie Stadt
Score: 0.84 is a company located in Trier, Kreisfreie Stadt.
Trier, Kreisfreie Stadt
Score: 0.817

Agiler, effizienter, KI-gestützt. Full Service Transformation von Marketing Operations in Trier, Frankfurt, Düsseldorf und Köln. Jetzt Kontakt aufnehmen. ➡️
Trier, Kreisfreie Stadt
Score: 0.814

Hier entsteht eine schicke neue Website für Hard- und Softwareservice Dipl.-Wirt.-Inf. Dirk Brieger. Sie basiert auf chayns von Tobit.Software.
Trier, Kreisfreie Stadt
Score: 0.813 is a company located in Trier, Kreisfreie Stadt.
Trier, Kreisfreie Stadt
Score: 0.807 is a company located in Trier, Kreisfreie Stadt.
Trier, Kreisfreie Stadt
Score: 0.806 is a company located in Trier, Kreisfreie Stadt.
Start Up
Trier, Kreisfreie Stadt
Score: 0.794 is a company located in Trier, Kreisfreie Stadt.
Trier, Kreisfreie Stadt
Score: 0.78

Wir sind die Brand Designer für die Finanzbranche. Der Spezialist für die Umsetzung von Branding – und Designkonzepten im Finanzumfeld.

We are built on cutting-edge research and a highly skilled team. Founded in 2019 as a scientific spin-off, we specialize in AI-based analysis of company-related web data. We continue to stay closely connected to the scientific world and provide expert-level, science-based web analytics.

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