Top Ten Lists
Tiroler Unterland, Innovation

Top Ten Innovation Companies in Tiroler Unterland

The webAI InnoProb agent was trained by ISTARI.AI to derive the status of companies as innovators from their websites and to map it as an individual Innovation Probability Score (InnoProb). This indicator between 0.0 and 1.0 reflects the probability of a company being an innovator.

ISTARI webAI has found 6835 companies related to Innovation, out of 8530 in Tiroler Unterland region. In the region the avarage Innovation score is 0.276 and ranges between 0.045 - 0.86. These are the regions top 10 most high-scored companies regarding Innovation.

Tiroler Unterland
Score: 0.86

The home of AppsAnywhere; the Higher Education application delivery, software deployment and virtualization solution delivering any app to any device.
Start Up
Tiroler Unterland
Score: 0.852

aeoon Technologies entwickelt und produziert eine der schnellsten DTG Drucker die es am Markt gibt und bietet Komplettlösungen für die Textildruckindustrie.
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Tiroler Unterland
Score: 0.848

Die Zeiterfassung, Zutrittskontrolle, Betriebsdatenerfassung und Personaleinsatzplanung unterstützt Sie bei der Umsetzung Ihrer Strategie- und Kostenplanung.
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Tiroler Unterland
Score: 0.837 is a company located in Tiroler Unterland.
Start Up
Tiroler Unterland
Score: 0.837 is a company located in Tiroler Unterland.
Start Up
Tiroler Unterland
Score: 0.836 is a company located in Tiroler Unterland.
Start Up
Tiroler Unterland
Score: 0.835

YoRoller the portable workout station uses flywheel training energy for fitness, conditional training, physiotherapy and recovery
Tiroler Unterland
Score: 0.833

Die International School Kufstein Tirol (ISK Tirol) ist eine internationale Schule für Kinder ab 10 Jahren und eine Allgemeinbildende Höhere Schule (AHS), anerkannt als Katholische Privatschule und akkreditiert als "IB World School".
Start Up
Tiroler Unterland
Score: 0.831

INNIO is empowering the transition to net zero – with energy solutions and services that are flexible, scalable, and resilient.
Tiroler Unterland
Score: 0.831 is a company located in Tiroler Unterland.

We are built on cutting-edge research and a highly skilled team. Founded in 2019 as a scientific spin-off, we specialize in AI-based analysis of company-related web data. We continue to stay closely connected to the scientific world and provide expert-level, science-based web analytics.

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