Top Ten Lists
Regionalverband Saarbrücken, Social Innovation

Top Ten Social Innovation Companies in Regionalverband Saarbrücken

The webAI Social Innovation agent was trained by ISTARI.AI to derive from companies’ websites their engagement in social innovation and to map it as an individual Social InnoProb Score. This indicator, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0, reflects the likelihood that a company is a social innovator.

ISTARI webAI has found 3692 companies related to Social Innovation, out of 4542 in Regionalverband Saarbrücken region. In the region the avarage Social Innovation score is 0.45 and ranges between 0.202 - 0.83. These are the regions top 10 most high-scored companies regarding Social_Innovation.

Start Up
Regionalverband Saarbrücken
Score: 0.83

Von der Lernstrategie zu echtem Unternehmenserfolg: Mit den Learning Solutions der imc entfalten Sie das volle Potential Ihrer Mitarbeiter und Organisation.
Regionalverband Saarbrücken
Score: 0.816

ThingWorx industrial IoT software provides the functionality you need to flexibly build and securely scale your mission-critical IIoT solutions. Learn more.
Regionalverband Saarbrücken
Score: 0.813

Beratung und Entwicklung in den Bereichen IT, BWL und Kommunikation insbesondere rund um SAP. Mit Begeisterung lösen wir komplexe Probleme und entwickeln optimal funktionierende Systeme.
Start Up
Regionalverband Saarbrücken
Score: 0.811

Wir arbeiten als innovativer Anbieter von aus Plastik recycelten Produkten durch 3-D-Druck und industriellem Spritzguss an nachhaltigen Kreislaufwirtschaften.
Regionalverband Saarbrücken
Score: 0.799 is a company located in Regionalverband Saarbrücken.
Start Up
Regionalverband Saarbrücken
Score: 0.789 is a company located in Regionalverband Saarbrücken.
Regionalverband Saarbrücken
Score: 0.784

Als Digitalisierungsinstitut liegt unser Schwerpunkt in der digitalen Transformation von Unternehmen zu Super Smart Enterprises.
Regionalverband Saarbrücken
Score: 0.784 is a company located in Regionalverband Saarbrücken.
Start Up
Regionalverband Saarbrücken
Score: 0.779

Mit der Talent Acquisition Suite von softgarden begeistern und stellen Sie die besten Kandidaten schneller ein. Bewerbermanagement, Arbeitgeber-Reputation, HR Marketing.
Regionalverband Saarbrücken
Score: 0.778 is a company located in Regionalverband Saarbrücken.

We are built on cutting-edge research and a highly skilled team. Founded in 2019 as a scientific spin-off, we specialize in AI-based analysis of company-related web data. We continue to stay closely connected to the scientific world and provide expert-level, science-based web analytics.

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