Top Ten Lists
Miasto Warszawa, Artificial Intelligence

Top Ten Artificial Intelligence Companies in Miasto Warszawa

The webAI AI Agent was trained by ISTARI.AI to derive companies’ artificial intelligence (AI) know-how from their websites and to map it as an individual AI Intensity Score. By AI know-how, in this context, we mean products and services with integrated AI or personnel with AI skills. The resulting numerical indicator reflects how centrally the topic of artificial intelligence is communicated on the company’s website and presented as essential for its own business model.

ISTARI webAI has found 1215 companies related to Artificial Intelligence, out of 77500 in Miasto Warszawa region. In the region the avarage Artificial Intelligence score is 0.354 and ranges between 0.067 - 3.385. These are the regions top 10 most high-scored companies regarding AI.

Miasto Warszawa
Score: 3.385 is a company located in Miasto Warszawa.
Miasto Warszawa
Score: 3.338

We specialize in delivering custom-made AI solutions and Machine Learning services tailored to meet even the most niche industries.
Miasto Warszawa
Score: 3.195

Deployed by global brands, AI-driven software by InteliWISE. Even 100% support with set-up. Full control of NLP engine. On-premise or Cloud. Ask for free prototype
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Miasto Warszawa
Score: 2.874

Usługi IT, HR czy prowadzenie badań to tylko ułamek wszystkich specjalności Deep Technology, które oferujemy dla biznesu.
Miasto Warszawa
Score: 2.789 is a software company that develops high-tech solutions for automated and connected vehicles.
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Miasto Warszawa
Score: 2.634 helps companies gain competitive advantage by providing AI-based end-to-end solutions, with the main focus on computer vision, predictive analytics and natural language processing.
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Miasto Warszawa
Score: 2.488

Cognitum Services is a software house from Poland. We specialize in comprehensive IT solutions, web and mobile applications, custom enterprise solutions and machine learning.
Miasto Warszawa
Score: 2.301

Merixstudio is a full-stack agile team that designs and develops flawless web applications & digital products. Let's work together on your custom software solution.
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Miasto Warszawa
Score: 2.19

Intelligence of Everything Intelligence of Everything
Miasto Warszawa
Score: 2.059

Pomagamy firmom w udoskonalaniu ich procesów oraz w podejmowaniu lepszych decyzji poprzez: konsolidowanie danych, ułatwienie dostępu do danych

We are built on cutting-edge research and a highly skilled team. Founded in 2019 as a scientific spin-off, we specialize in AI-based analysis of company-related web data. We continue to stay closely connected to the scientific world and provide expert-level, science-based web analytics.

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