Top Ten Lists
Miasto Kraków, Blockchain

Top Ten Blockchain Companies in Miasto Kraków

The webAI Blockchain Agent was trained by ISTARI.AI to derive companies’ Blockchain know-how from their websites and to map it as an individual Blockchain Intensity Score. Blockchain know-how in this context is products and services with integrated Blockchain or personnel with Blockchain skills. This numerical indicator reflects how central the topic of Blockchain is communicated by the company on its own website and presented as essential for its own business model. Companies that are active in the area of Blockchain, have business fields geared to it or offer products and services with a direct connection usually communicate this fact.

ISTARI webAI has found 96 companies related to Blockchain, out of 22655 in Miasto Kraków region. In the region the avarage Blockchain score is 0.585 and ranges between 0.073 - 3.013. These are the regions top 10 most high-scored companies regarding Blockchain.

Start Up
Miasto Kraków
Score: 3.013

Get smart contract audit with polish professionals who created Smart Contract Security Verification Standard. Gain real confidence in your smart contracts.
Miasto Kraków
Score: 2.793

Kantor Bitcoin - szybki zakup i sprzedaż bitcoinów. Najlepszy kurs - także za gotówkę. Obsługujemy szybkie przelewy, wpłaty gotówkowe, przelewy pocztowe, bony ukash oraz skycash i płatności kartą w punktach Żabka i Freshmarket.
Start Up
Miasto Kraków
Score: 2.34

Pragmatic Coders - the first choice software development partner for startup founders. Custom software development and product design (UX/UI) for startups.
Miasto Kraków
Score: 2.328

U nas znajdziesz portfele sprzętowe Trezor i Ledger, monety, koszulki, kubki i wiele innych gadżetów z logo kryptowalut
Miasto Kraków
Score: 2.113

N-iX is a global software solutions and engineering services company that helps world’s leading organizations achieve lasting business value using advanced technology.
Start Up
Miasto Kraków
Score: 2.058

Our project utilizes blockchain technology to create a transparent, secure and distributed platform for the energy industry. C4E is built as a Sovereign app specific blockchain based on Cosmos SDK and IBC (InterBlockchain Communication).
Miasto Kraków
Score: 1.965

We specialize in custom software development using cutting edge technology for Blockchain, FinTech, AWS Cloud Solutions, DeFi. What we bring to the table is quality, IT leadership and fresh creative ideas.
Miasto Kraków
Score: 1.796

BitSpace is a technology company that specializes in blockchain consultancy and exponential technologies. We incorporate technologies such as Blockchain, Space, Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality. Incubation · CryptoFinance · BitGate Wallet
Miasto Kraków
Score: 1.724

We have over 12 years of experience in building companies from the ground up and scaling them effectively thanks to well–defined processes, our own ecosystem of resources and expert teams.
Start Up
Miasto Kraków
Score: 1.699

Accelerate your growth through technology. Discover the wide range of IT consulting and software development services delivered by Codete & let's work together!

We are built on cutting-edge research and a highly skilled team. Founded in 2019 as a scientific spin-off, we specialize in AI-based analysis of company-related web data. We continue to stay closely connected to the scientific world and provide expert-level, science-based web analytics.

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